
Taking time out when I am most overwhelmed.

Image courtesy Verve Studio It is about 2 weeks before the 'Big Move' for my family. It has been frantic. There just seems to be so much to DO and not enough time to do it. I feel like screaming. Yet.....
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Category: Leadership Development, Parent Leadership, Personal coaching, Transformational Leadership

Social media creates a new virtual reality - A Call to Adventure.

When I started my exploration of cyberspace as a social media initiate, the intent was to navigate the dark alleyways so that I could warn my two pre-teens about the dangers lurking there -firsthand......
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Category: Leadership Development, Parent Leadership, Personal coaching, Transformational Leadership

Are we pushing our kids too hard? .

When Xian was 3 days old, a nurse (whom I swear must be her Fairy Godmother) looked at my little angel and commented on her graceful fingers. My immediate response: “Yes, her father plays the.....
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Category: Parent Leadership, Personal coaching

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