
How storms in our life can be meaningful.

I was travelling to visit family in Connecticut during Christmas. Two days after we arrived, one of the biggest snow storms in the last 15 years hits north-eastern America. It was cosy enough to stay.....
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Category: Leadership Development, Personal coaching, Transformational Leadership

How do you know that you are having a Happy New Year?.

I was given a T-shirt last Christmas that read: "Dear Santa, Define Good....." I thought that was fair. What if Santa's criteria is different from what we see as good? Or naughty? Or nice? Is that why.....
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Category: Executive coaching, Leadership Development, Parent Leadership, Personal coaching, Transformational Leadership

Doing the ordinary well to be extraordinary.

"Today the problem that has no name is how to juggle work, love, home, and children." - Betty Friedan, The Second Stage I had a BFO (Blinding Flash of the Obvious) experience recently. I realised th.....
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Category: Leadership Development, Personal coaching, Transformational Leadership

How to lead from vulnerability.

"We can release the weight of unprocessed pain and embrace the lightheartedness of a wiser and more humble heart. Whomever it is you were born to be, whatever your soul was coded to accomplish, whate.....
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Category: Executive coaching, Leadership & management, Leadership Development, Parent Leadership, Personal coaching

3 core principles for being an authentic leader.

"Judge a man by his questions rather than his answers." Voltaire Einstein alluded to the importance of asking questions. That is where the greatest learning can occur: whilst pondering the possible re.....
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Category: Executive coaching, Leadership & management, Leadership Development, Parent Leadership, Personal coaching

Leaving a legacy.

Sometimes there are lessons that we learn from the most unusual and unexpected quarter. Learning partnerships with your children, as parents, is one thing. When we adopted an 8-week old blue cattle-ke.....
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Category: Leadership Development, Parent Leadership, Transformational Leadership

Leadership lessons from the home front

In organizations, sales teams are special. They have a sense of drive, an entrepreneurial spirit and a way of thinking that sets them apart from others. Talking to a Sales Manager recently about how h.....
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Category: Executive coaching, Leadership & management, Leadership Development, Parent Leadership, Personal coaching, Transformational Leadership

Parent Leadership - Creating Learning Partnerships

Parenting is a leadership privilege that you may have actively chosen or which may have been accidentally bestowed upon you. Parenting is your commitment to a learning partnership with your .....
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Category: Leadership Development, Personal coaching, Transformational Leadership

Engaging a High-Performance Culture

This article is based on "Driving Long-Term Engagement through a High-Performance Culture," which is featured in a 3-volume reference on employee engagement called Building High-Performance People and.....
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Category: Leadership & management, Leadership Development

A Mother of A Leader

Once again, I was twittered this insightful and heartwarming article that I would like to share with you. Please feel free to add your comments here or send a note to the author - Erin Schreyer - with.....
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Category: Leadership & management, Leadership Development, Parent Leadership, Transformational Leadership

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